Showing posts with label Christian Formation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Formation. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Renewing Your Mind: Summer 2022 Resources

Siberian Iris
Are you looking for a new beginning?  There is no better place to start than by renewing your mind.  Becoming aware of what you are thinking, feeling, and choosing is the first step, according to Dr. Caroline Leaf, researcher, professor, author, and speaker.  

Our Sunday School class just finished a 5 week overview of Dr. Leaf's neuroscience-based, scripture-filled findings.  Listen to one of her podcasts, read a blog post or one of her books to begin your journey.  With daily determination and consistent work, you can clean up whatever "mental mess" you face.  God designed your incredibly powerful mind.  You are wired-for-love.  With the Holy Spirit's help, it is possible to detox unhealthy habits and heal from past traumas. See Podcasts, Videos, Books, Apps 

Leaf, Caroline. Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Toxic Thinking. 2021.

Leaf, Caroline. 101 Ways To Be Less Stressed: Simple Self-Care Strategies To Boost Your Mind, Mood, and Mental Health. 2020.

Leaf, Caroline. Switch on Your Brain Every day: 365 Devotions for Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health. 2018.  Also see her book and workbook of this title.

Leaf, Caroline. Think, Learn, Succeed: Understanding and Using your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life. 2018.

Thompson, Curt. MD. Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections between Neuroscience and Spiritual Practices that Can Transform our Life and Relationships. 2010.

Books are available at your public library either in print or in digital collections like Hoopla or OverDrive.  If you prefer to purchase a title, check with your bookstore or shop online.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Fall Reading for Christian Growth

Fall is a colorful season.  Find a sunny spot in God's presence.  Spend time communing with your Lord and Savior.  Grow in Christ.

Reading is one tool available in Christian formation.  In addition to the Bible, you might read one of these recently published books, written by well-known authors, speakers, pastors, and psychologists.

To find a copy, go to your local bookstore or shop online at Amazon or Christian Books Distributors. 

 To save shelf space and money, go to your local library.  Often they will have the book in print or provide it as a digital copy: eBook or audio book for download.  Do you have a free Hoopla or Over Drive account from your public library?  It's easy to create by contacting your library branch or checking its website.

Begg, Alistair. Brave by Faith: God-Sized Confidence in a Post-Christian World.  The Good Book Company, 2021. 

Brown, Brene. Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience. Random House, 2021.

Cloud, Henry and Townsend, John. Growth Has No Boundaries: The Christian's Secret to a Deeper Spiritual Life. Zondervan, 2019.

Lucado, Max. You Were Made for This Moment: Courage for Today and Hope for Tomorrow. Thomas Nelson, 2021. 

Martin, Charles. What If It's True?: A Storyteller’s Journey with Jesus. Thomas Nelson, 2020. 

Moore, Beth.  Chasing Vines: Finding Your Way to an Immensely Fruitful Life. Tyndale Momentum, 2020.

Simons, Ruth Chou. When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace. Thomas Nelson, 2021.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Everyday Christian Education

Governments rise and fall, but God is eternal, immutable, and omnipotent.   Christianity is relevant and unique.  

We know Christians and spiritual seekers are blessed by loving Christian fellowship, growing in the knowledge of Christ, experiencing forgiveness, and relying on Holy Spirit power.  

So how are we to equip Christians for ministry?  How are we to develop the mind of Christ in believers?  How do we present Kingdom living in the here and now?  Life has always been difficult and messy.  People want the real story on how faith works in the everyday of handling anger, doubt, fear, failure, illness, stress...

People are struggling: individuals, couples, families, and congregations.  People are seeking meaning and purpose. Discipleship, listening, prayer, encouragement, hospitality, and service are still very much needed and appreciated.  It's only a question of where, when, and how they are made available in 21st century America.  

Perhaps Christian lectures are passé and outdated?  We learn best by hearing, seeing, doing, and through conversation as in apprenticeships, internships, mentoring, and following wise guides through the unknown.  

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  John 16:33

How will you share life, light, and love in an ordinary moment today?

Heritage Gardens Treehouse, Cape Cod

Monday, April 26, 2021

Resisting Growth

     "Author and Presbyterian minister Eugene Petersen was quoted in an interview as saying, 'The assumption of spirituality is that always God is doing something before I know it. So the task is not to get God to do something I think needs to be done, but to become aware of what God is doing so that I can respond to it and participate and take delight in it.'
    This is the motivation behind waiting prayer. We place ourselves in postures of the heart, in the stillness that enables us to become aware of what God is doing so that we can gradually say yes to it with our whole being." (Kidd, p. 129)*

What do you make of this spiritual insight?  

Shifting the preferred, modern mindset of being in control to letting go and trusting God is often a difficult journey.  I suspect it was tough in ancient times too.  Take Daniel, for example.  A young man at he prime of life and with plans is suddenly taken captive and relocated to a foreign country and culture where he lived thereafter.  

Franciscan priest and author Richard Rohr describes the spiritual transformation process as moving from order to disorder to reorder.  Often suffering triggers transformation.  Often waiting prayer is involved as we process, adjust, and eventually receive unexpected happiness.

Kidd, S. M. When the heart waits: Spiritual direction for life's sacred questions. New York, NY: HarperOne, 1990.

Glacial Grooves, Lake Erie

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Christian Bootcamp Registration @ Crestview Presbyterian Church.

Please register for Christian Bootcamp. October 11 - November 15, 2020

Strengthen your spiritual core by studying 6 Christian beliefs that guide us through this life to the next. Crestview’s Adult Education Team will facilitate discussion on what is God like, sin, Christ, becoming a Christian, and sanctification. Anyone wanting a better understanding of foundational theology is encouraged to join us.

Meet in-person:  Sundays 10:30 - 11:30 am 
Meet online.  Sundays 10:30 - 11:30 am

Each participating Crestview household will receive 1 copy of Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know by Dr. Wayne Grudem. and edited by Elliot Grudem.  Pick it up at the registration table at church.

To Register
At Church
: after service, go to the registration table.

Click on pencil in Comments of the Midwest Musing blog.
Enter your name, email, and indicate in-person or online.