Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Renewing Your Mind: Summer 2022 Resources

Siberian Iris
Are you looking for a new beginning?  There is no better place to start than by renewing your mind.  Becoming aware of what you are thinking, feeling, and choosing is the first step, according to Dr. Caroline Leaf, researcher, professor, author, and speaker.  

Our Sunday School class just finished a 5 week overview of Dr. Leaf's neuroscience-based, scripture-filled findings.  Listen to one of her podcasts, read a blog post or one of her books to begin your journey.  With daily determination and consistent work, you can clean up whatever "mental mess" you face.  God designed your incredibly powerful mind.  You are wired-for-love.  With the Holy Spirit's help, it is possible to detox unhealthy habits and heal from past traumas.

https://drleaf.com/ See Podcasts, Videos, Books, Apps 

Leaf, Caroline. Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety, Stress, and Toxic Thinking. 2021.

Leaf, Caroline. 101 Ways To Be Less Stressed: Simple Self-Care Strategies To Boost Your Mind, Mood, and Mental Health. 2020.

Leaf, Caroline. Switch on Your Brain Every day: 365 Devotions for Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health. 2018.  Also see her book and workbook of this title.

Leaf, Caroline. Think, Learn, Succeed: Understanding and Using your Mind to Thrive at School, the Workplace, and Life. 2018.

Thompson, Curt. MD. Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections between Neuroscience and Spiritual Practices that Can Transform our Life and Relationships. 2010.

Books are available at your public library either in print or in digital collections like Hoopla or OverDrive.  If you prefer to purchase a title, check with your bookstore or shop online.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Winter: Resources

Frozen Waterfalls

The Adult Education Team at Crestview Presbyterian Church wants to support your growth in Christ.  

Renewing our mind is a lifelong endeavor.  Sometimes we sprint ahead with energy; at other times we trudge along after a setback, whether illness, job concern, or relational struggle.  

Now may be the right time to start viewing RightNow Media, a huge collection of videos by Christian speakers, teachers, and authors.  Watch one for Bible Study, personal devotion, or help dealing with life challenges.  See Crestview's Beyond the Bulletin to get started learning via RightNow Media on your laptop, cell phone, or TV.  Ask the Adult Education Team for more information.

If the cold weather keeps you inside, try reading.  Many Christian books are available at your public library in print or in digital collections like Hoopla or OverDrive.  Search by topic, title, or author. 

Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation.  LaTasha Morrison, 2019.

God and the Pandemic. N. T. Wright, 2020. 

Pilgrim's Progress. Retold by Gary D. Schmidt and illustrated by Barry Moser.  2008.

Sailing True North: Ten Admirals and the Voyage of Character. James Stavridis, 2020.

Start with Amen: How I Learned Surrender by Keeping the End in Mind. Beth Guckenberger, 2017.

Sweet Like Jasmine: Finding Identity in a Culture of Loneliness.  Bonnie Gray. 2021. 

When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace. Ruth Chou Simons. 2021.