Governments rise and fall, but God is eternal, immutable, and omnipotent. Christianity is relevant and unique.
We know Christians and spiritual seekers are blessed by loving Christian fellowship, growing in the knowledge of Christ, experiencing forgiveness, and relying on Holy Spirit power.
So how are we to equip Christians for ministry? How are we to develop the mind of Christ in believers? How do we present Kingdom living in the here and now? Life has always been difficult and messy. People want the real story on how faith works in the everyday of handling anger, doubt, fear, failure, illness, stress...
People are struggling: individuals, couples, families, and congregations. People are seeking meaning and purpose. Discipleship, listening, prayer, encouragement, hospitality, and service are still very much needed and appreciated. It's only a question of where, when, and how they are made available in 21st century America.
Perhaps Christian lectures are passé and outdated? We learn best by hearing, seeing, doing, and through conversation as in apprenticeships, internships, mentoring, and following wise guides through the unknown.
"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
How will you share life, light, and love in an ordinary moment today?
What a great question Beth - and once we share that life, light & love - how do we ensure others see, feel & know it's Christ's love we're sharing! Thanks for the message!
ReplyDeleteJesus was asked something similar long ago by John's disciples who were curious about Jesus' identity.
DeleteGood works might be enough or maybe they are mere conversation starters. Christians humbly, vulnerably, boldly get real. We explain how the good news changed us and why we now help others, out of gratitude for all God has given.
See Luke 7:22
"So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy[a] are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor."