Have your life plans screeched to a halt? Where is God in the midst of crisis?
The 2020 pandemic has shaken lives around the world in ways we can't ignore: health concerns, business closings and job loss, restricted travel, disrupted routines and ways we socialize or don't.
Stress mounts. Now American deaths nearly equal those from WWII. Mental illness is on the rise and discussed in forums, publications, and broadcasts. So many of us have been personally impacted by trauma, fear, and loss.
There is no instant fix, no easy way to reset to "normal." Is this what the serenity prayer means by "Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace:"
Coping styles differ. Some deny realities and cry hoax. They blame. They attack.
Others jump in to help essential workers and the hurting. They raise funds, give away food, or help with childcare and housing. Medical information, supplies, and care are given by many. What does loving your neighbor look like?
In human history, many have suffered various trials, disasters, or "lifequakes" as Bruce Feiler refers to them in his book, Life Is In the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age, 2020.) Historian David McCullough reminds us in The American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For, 2017 that character and conviction have enabled Americans to persevere, problem solve, and pursue life. James 1 encourages us to ask God for wisdom and assures us trials are indeed the pathway to maturity.
Walk with God, hold on to your faith, and meet the day. Your life matters. You are needed now.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9"The Hill We Climb" Amanda Gorman, 1/20/21