Friday, May 15, 2020

Christian Spiritual Formation Resources

During these COVID-19 days when life can feel like you @home on an endless spin cycle, consider rethinking how you spend time.  Meet with God and go deeper in your faith. Travel with the Holy Spirit while you are “stay safe” @home.  Listen, Read, Study, Watch, Worship!  Godspeed! 


Beth’s Top Picks, May 2020 

European Leadership Conference, May 22-28, 2020.  Free, Online

The Bible. All-time bestseller. Read a passage, a chapter, a book.

Crestview Sermons Archive. Rev. Shawn Barkley, West Chester, OH.

Podcast: The Well.  Rev. Shawn Barkley 

Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. John Ortberg, Menlo Park, CA. Watch messages.

Redeemer Presbyterian Church. NY, NY. Tim Keller
Resources: Meditations, Skeptics Series, Audio files, Sermon Archive, Recommended Reading, Articles,etc.

Park Street Church. Boston, MA. Sermon Library

Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Calvin University 

Calvin Center of Faith and Writing. Christian writers in various genres. Biannual conference.

Hall of Church History.  Phil Johnson.  Church history information.

Ligionier Ministries.  Founded by R.C. Sproul, Learn Resources

IF Gathering TV. Jennie Allen.  Women's ministry resources, videos, annual conference.

Ann Voskamp. Daily Blog. Women's ministry.

On Being with Krista Tippett.  Radio and Podcasts 

Virtual Religion Index  Websites

YouTube Watch, Listen, & Worship. Search  Christian authors, speakers, musicians.

Looking for something to READ by a celebrated Christian author? Pick up a book by
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Corrie ten Boom
Frederick Buechner
Francis Chan  
C.K. Chesterton
Elisabeth Eliot
Richard Foster
Bill Hybels
Timothy Keller
C.S. Lewis
Max Lucado
Kathleen Norris 
Henri Nouwen
John Ortberg
Eugene Peterson
James K.A. Smith
R.C. Sproul
John Stott
Joni Eareckson Tada
Barbara Brown Taylor
Ann Voskamp
Dallas Willard
N. T. Wright
Philip Yancey

Want more?  Willing to pay tuition?
Christian Witness and Ministry in a COVID-shaped World.  
Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI. Online 3 week summer courses. 3 Sessions. 


  1. Thanks, Beth. Great information and ideas to grow spiritually.
