Monday, May 18, 2020

Renewing Your Mind

spring flowers by log
These are challenging days when your Christian faith is being stretched. Our world is in pain. You’ve felt it.

When life becomes demanding, the Christian message of hope and help are needed all the more. Would your ways of relating, daily routines, or thinking patterns benefit from observing Jesus in action? Renewing your mind is a daily practice that transforms a life. It leads to joy. God is at work in you by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Consider spending time reading and studying how believers in the Bible and Christians today manage problems, persevere, problem solve, and fortify their spirit.

By practicing Christian spiritual disciplines like study, prayer, service, and stillness in God’s presence, we mature in Christ. Spiritual transformation is not easy or convenient. It forces us to change attitudes and behaviors.

Block out time to meet with God. Check out 1 of the digital collections linked in Midwest Musing Resources to nourish your spirit. There are many online Bible websites, sermon video archives, podcasts by Christian authors and speakers, and Christian worship music to help you on your faith journey. 

Join one of Crestview’s on-going Bible study groups. New summer online groups will start in June. Christian Boot camp is slated for the fall. Jump in. Now is a time to reprioritize.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Christian Spiritual Formation Resources

During these COVID-19 days when life can feel like you @home on an endless spin cycle, consider rethinking how you spend time.  Meet with God and go deeper in your faith. Travel with the Holy Spirit while you are “stay safe” @home.  Listen, Read, Study, Watch, Worship!  Godspeed! 


Beth’s Top Picks, May 2020 

European Leadership Conference, May 22-28, 2020.  Free, Online

The Bible. All-time bestseller. Read a passage, a chapter, a book.

Crestview Sermons Archive. Rev. Shawn Barkley, West Chester, OH.

Podcast: The Well.  Rev. Shawn Barkley 

Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. John Ortberg, Menlo Park, CA. Watch messages.

Redeemer Presbyterian Church. NY, NY. Tim Keller
Resources: Meditations, Skeptics Series, Audio files, Sermon Archive, Recommended Reading, Articles,etc.

Park Street Church. Boston, MA. Sermon Library

Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Calvin University 

Calvin Center of Faith and Writing. Christian writers in various genres. Biannual conference.

Hall of Church History.  Phil Johnson.  Church history information.

Ligionier Ministries.  Founded by R.C. Sproul, Learn Resources

IF Gathering TV. Jennie Allen.  Women's ministry resources, videos, annual conference.

Ann Voskamp. Daily Blog. Women's ministry.

On Being with Krista Tippett.  Radio and Podcasts 

Virtual Religion Index  Websites

YouTube Watch, Listen, & Worship. Search  Christian authors, speakers, musicians.

Looking for something to READ by a celebrated Christian author? Pick up a book by
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Corrie ten Boom
Frederick Buechner
Francis Chan  
C.K. Chesterton
Elisabeth Eliot
Richard Foster
Bill Hybels
Timothy Keller
C.S. Lewis
Max Lucado
Kathleen Norris 
Henri Nouwen
John Ortberg
Eugene Peterson
James K.A. Smith
R.C. Sproul
John Stott
Joni Eareckson Tada
Barbara Brown Taylor
Ann Voskamp
Dallas Willard
N. T. Wright
Philip Yancey

Want more?  Willing to pay tuition?
Christian Witness and Ministry in a COVID-shaped World.  
Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI. Online 3 week summer courses. 3 Sessions. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Celebrate Today

May is a time to celebrate:  anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, Memorial Day...  Do we feel like celebrating when there are so many questions about the summer ahead and fall plans?

Perhaps this COVID-19 time gives each of us the opportunity to be present with the people who matter most.  What do our friends and family need today?  To be seen, to be challenged, to be celebrated?

Admittedly, our projected schedules and grand plans are falling apart.  We are learning to embrace the now over tomorrow.  Why not try starting your day with the Lord's Prayer?

Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what’s best—
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.    Matthew 6:7-13

The Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr also captures this idea of slowing time, of embracing this day.

"Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,"

What does celebrating and connecting look like?  
Calls, texts, cards and eCards, emails, Zoom meetings, Facetime, smiles and waves, balloons tied to doors, crayon drawings taped to windows, packages on porches, muffins hanging from hooks, garden flowers left by the mailbox...
Be creative.  Give away the very thing that would delight your heart! 

Celebrate life.